Monday, May 28, 2007


The Global Population Clock [more] 2007 - 2050
news updates

UN: "24 February 2005 The world's population will reach 6.5 billion by July and, despite lower expected fertility rates, is likely to reach 9.1 billion by 2050, with most of the increase taking place in developing countries, the United Nations Population Division says in its revised report for 2004."

Population and its limits to growth will dominate our global dialogue for the next 4 decades as we come to determine this next evolutionary phase of human habitat.

"Population aged 60 years or over as percentage of total population One out of every 9 persons is now aged 60 years or over; by 2050, the United Nations projects that 1 person out of every 5, and by 2150 1 out of every 3, will be aged 60 years or over. The percentage of older persons is currently much higher in the more developed than in the less developed regions, but the pace of ageing in developing countries is more rapid, and their transition from a young to an old age structure will occur over a shorter period." UN

There is a plethora of publications and prognostications on the subject of impacts of population growth. Certainly, we continue to refer back to Malthus.

And, we will continue to populate, as we should ... as is our business to so do.

But, so what ? Does it really matter to us ? The UN thinks it does matter. 22% of the world's population will die of natural aging (a, a-1, a-2) during the next two and a half decades. It is importatnt to chart population progress. Our international concepts of population growth impacts varies widely during even a decade of observations {2000 to 2007 (b)}

Well, it probably does matter - and, now ... especially, when we also consider the evidence of global climate changes to occur during these next three to four decades.